tance and polymorphism features cannot easily and consistently be duplicated.
The C++ language is a more detailed extension of C to further support OOP techniques. In effect, TC is between ANSI C and C++. After learning TC the programmer can begin using C++ with little difficulty, and can learn the powerful added features of C++ at a later date if necessary. Note that by facilitating OOP, TC often allows simpler code than that produced using ANSI C. On the other hand it may be said that the additional features provided by C++ add significant complexity to the elegant C language.
While TC is a unique language, the compatibility with ANSI C and the near-upward-compatibility with C++ lend TC programs the potential for a high degree of portability. If the Think Class Library is used to produce Macintosh-only applications, a measure of portability may be retained by careful characterization and isolation of the non-portable objects*.
Most importantly, the Think C environment (with integrated editor and debugger) is a powerful, productive, yet forgiving tool for software development on Macintosh computers. It is well-suited to both novice and professional programmers.